function UB (UD, UE, UF, UG, UH, Jk, workflowOptionsStr, mQ) { var UC; this.UD = UD; this.UE = UE; this.UF = UF; this.UG = UG; this.UH = UH; this.Jk = Jk; this.UI = new Array(); this.Jl = new Array (); if (Jk == "h_ApprovalCycle" || Jk == "h_EditorInChief") { for (UC=0;UC<7;UC++) { var UJ = (workflowOptionsStr.indexOf(":") == -1) ? 999 : workflowOptionsStr.indexOf(":"); this.UI[UC] = workflowOptionsStr.substring(0, UJ); workflowOptionsStr = workflowOptionsStr.substring(this.UI[UC].length + 1); } this.UI["apprRead"] = this.UI[0]; this.UI["apprEdit"] = this.UI[1]; this.UI["apprPutHow"] = this.UI[2]; this.UI["apprFolder"] = this.UI[3]; this.UI["rejectDest"] = this.UI[4]; this.UI["inProccessFolder"] = this.UI[6]; for (UC=0;UC<4;UC++) { var UJ = (mQ.indexOf(":") == -1) ? 999 : mQ.indexOf(":"); var UK = mQ.substring(0, UJ); if (UK != "") { this.Jl[UC] = UK; mQ = mQ.substring(this.Jl[UC].length + 1); } else { break; } } } else { this.UI[0] = workflowOptionsStr; } this.fieldDef = new Array (); } function Ue() { } UM = new Ue(); Ue.prototype = new UN(); Ue.prototype.init = Uf; Ue.prototype.initChild = Ug; Ue.prototype.getEditModeHTML = Uh; Ue.prototype.getReadModeHTML = Ui; function Uf(kw,UQ,UR,KN,US, UT,UU,UV,kx) { this.initField(kw,UQ,UR,KN,US, UT,UU,UV,kx); this.initChild(); } function Ug(){ } function Uh(pageFrame, fieldIndex) { var UY = currentRoom.Zv[pageFrame.h_Form].fieldDef[fieldIndex]; pageInput(pageFrame, UY.UQ + ". " + UY.UR, pageFrame.h_OriginatorDisplayName, (fieldIndex+1)-staticTextCount + "."); } function Ui(pageFrame, fieldIndex) { var UY = currentRoom.Zv[pageFrame.h_Form].fieldDef[fieldIndex]; pageInput(pageFrame, UY.UQ, pageFrame.h_OriginatorDisplayName); } function VJ() { } UM = new VJ(); VJ.prototype = new UN(); VJ.prototype.init = VK; VJ.prototype.initChild = VL; VJ.prototype.getEditModeHTML = VM; VJ.prototype.getReadModeHTML = VN; function VK(kw,UQ,UR,KN,US, UT,UU,UV,kx) { this.initField(kw,UQ,UR,KN,US, UT,UU,UV,kx); this.initChild(); } function VL(){ } function VM(pageFrame, fieldIndex) { var UY = currentRoom.Zv[pageFrame.h_Form].fieldDef[fieldIndex]; pageInput(pageFrame, UY.UQ + ". " + UY.UR, au(pageFrame.h_DocCreated, " "), (fieldIndex+1)-staticTextCount + "."); } function VN(pageFrame, fieldIndex) { var UY = currentRoom.Zv[pageFrame.h_Form].fieldDef[fieldIndex]; pageInput(pageFrame, UY.UQ, au(pageFrame.h_DocCreated, " ")); } function VP() { } UM = new VP(); VP.prototype = new UN(); VP.prototype.init = VQ; VP.prototype.initChild = VR; VP.prototype.getEditModeHTML = VS; VP.prototype.Ub = VT; VP.prototype.Uc = VV; function VQ(kw,UQ,UR,KN,US, UT,UU,UV,kx) { this.initField(kw,UQ,UR,KN,US, UT,UU,UV,kx); this.initChild(); } function VR(){ } function VS(pageFrame, fieldIndex) { var currentFieldValue = eval(this.KP); var UZ=""; if (pageFrame.h_IsNewDoc=="1") { if(currentFieldValue=="") { UZ = Ko(); } else { UZ = currentFieldValue; } } else { UZ = currentFieldValue; } var h = ""; if (currentMember.isADAEnabled()!="1") h += D_DatePickerHTML( this.KP); pageInput (pageFrame, this.UQ + ". " + this.UR, h, (fieldIndex+1)-staticTextCount + "."); } function VT(pageFrame) { var VU = new Array("'", "\"","<",">");var Wa = new Array("\\\'", ""","<",">"); pageFrame.document.write(""); pageInput (pageFrame, 'Other settings:', '
' + 'Alert the author if they forget to fill out this field.' + '
'); } function VV(pageFrame) { h_FieldDefaultValue = CV.h_FieldDefaultValue.value; CV.h_FieldIsRequired.value = (CV.h_getFieldIsRequired.checked)?'h_True':''; } function _DocLastEditorField() { } UM = new _DocLastEditorField(); _DocLastEditorField.prototype = new UN(); _DocLastEditorField.prototype.init = lastEditorField_init; _DocLastEditorField.prototype.initChild = lastEditorField_initChild; _DocLastEditorField.prototype.getEditModeHTML = getLastEditorEditHTML; _DocLastEditorField.prototype.getReadModeHTML = getLastEditorReadHTML; function lastEditorField_init(kw,UQ,UR,KN,US, UT,UU,UV,kx) { this.initField(kw,UQ,UR,KN,US, UT,UU,UV,kx); this.initChild(); } function lastEditorField_initChild() { } function getLastEditorEditHTML(pageFrame, fieldIndex) { var UY = currentRoom.Zv[pageFrame.h_Form].fieldDef[fieldIndex]; pageInput(pageFrame, UY.UQ + ". " + UY.UR, pageFrame.h_LastEditorDisplayName, (fieldIndex+1)-staticTextCount + "."); } function getLastEditorReadHTML(pageFrame, fieldIndex) { var UY = currentRoom.Zv[pageFrame.h_Form].fieldDef[fieldIndex]; pageInput(pageFrame, UY.UQ, pageFrame.h_LastEditorDisplayName); } function VW() { } UM = new VW(); VW.prototype = new UN(); VW.prototype.init = VX; VW.prototype.initChild = VY; VW.prototype.getEditModeHTML = VZ; VW.prototype.getReadModeHTML = Va; function VX(kw,UQ,UR,KN,US, UT,UU,UV,kx) { this.initField(kw,UQ,UR,KN,US, UT,UU,UV,kx); this.initChild(); } function VY(){ } function VZ(pageFrame, fieldIndex) { var UY = currentRoom.Zv[pageFrame.h_Form].fieldDef[fieldIndex]; pageInput(pageFrame, UY.UQ + ". " + UY.UR, au(pageFrame.h_ModifiedDate, " "), (fieldIndex+1)-staticTextCount + "."); } function Va(pageFrame, fieldIndex) { var UY = currentRoom.Zv[pageFrame.h_Form].fieldDef[fieldIndex]; pageInput(pageFrame, UY.UQ, au(pageFrame.h_ModifiedDate, " ")); } function WG() { } UM = new WG(); WG.prototype = new UN(); WG.prototype.init = WH; WG.prototype.initChild = WI; WG.prototype.getEditModeHTML = WJ; WG.prototype.getReadModeHTML = WK; function WH(kw,UQ,UR,KN,US, UT,UU,UV,kx) { this.initField(kw,UQ,UR,KN,US, UT,UU,UV,kx); this.initChild(); } function WI(){ } function WJ(pageFrame, fieldIndex) { var UY = currentRoom.Zv[pageFrame.h_Form].fieldDef[fieldIndex]; pageInput(pageFrame, UY.UQ + ". " + UY.UR, pageFrame.h_DocSize, (fieldIndex+1)-staticTextCount + "."); } function WK(pageFrame, fieldIndex) { var UY = currentRoom.Zv[pageFrame.h_Form].fieldDef[fieldIndex]; pageInput(pageFrame, UY.UQ, pageFrame.h_DocSize); } function WM() { } UM = new WM(); WM.prototype = new UN(); WM.prototype.init = WN; WM.prototype.initChild = WO; WM.prototype.getEditModeHTML = WP; WM.prototype.getReadModeHTML = WP; WM.prototype.Ub = WQ; WM.prototype.Uc = WR; function WN(kw,UQ,UR,KN,US, UT,UU,UV,kx) { this.initField(kw,UQ,UR,KN,US, UT,UU,UV,kx); this.initChild(); } function WO(){ } function WP(pageFrame, fieldIndex) { var UY = currentRoom.Zv[pageFrame.h_Form].fieldDef[fieldIndex]; pageFrame.document.write(UY.UU); } function WQ(pageFrame) { pageFrame.document.write(''); pageFrame.document.write(''); C(pageFrame, 'Non-editable rich text may be added (or replaced) in your form by clicking the Edit Text button at the bottom of the page.'); pageFrame.document.write(pageFrame.PageBody + "
"); } function WR(pageFrame) { var Ps = (h_PublishedVersionUNID=="")?h_PageUnid:h_PublishedVersionUNID; CV.PageBody.value = PageBody; if (PageBody.indexOf('src=\"$FILE/') > -1){ PageBody = LL(PageBody, 'src=\"$FILE/', 'src=\"' + "../../$defaultview" + "/" + Ps + '/$FILE' + "/"); } else if (PageBody.indexOf('SRC=$FILE/') > -1){ var WS = PageBody.substring(0, PageBody.indexOf('SRC=$FILE/')); var WT = 'SRC=' + "../../$defaultview" + "/" + Ps + "/"; var WU = PageBody.substring(PageBody.indexOf('$FILE/')); PageBody=WS+WT+WU; } CV.h_FieldDefaultValue.value = PageBody; } function DN( Oc, bOver, bWidth) { Oc.OutRectWidth=(bWidth) ? bWidth : 75; Oc.OutRectHeight=22; Oc.OutMaxLines=1; Oc.OutTransColor='ffffff'; Oc.Align='CENTER'; Oc.FontName="Verdana"; Oc.FontPointSize=8; Oc.FontColor='fffff0'; Oc.FontAntiAliasColor='007f7f'; Oc.BlurFactor=5; Oc.EffectType='Shadow'; Oc.ShadowColor='cccccc'; Oc.ShadowXOffset='0'; Oc.ShadowYOffset='0'; Oc.BkColor='007f7f'; if ( bOver) { Oc.BkEffect='BEVELHILITE'; } else { Oc.BkEffect='BEVEL'; } Oc.BevelSize='4'; Oc.BevelLightSource='UPPER_LEFT'; Oc.BevelType='SIMPLE_OUTER'; Oc.BevelCorner='ROUNDED'; Oc.OutOp='CLIP_WORDWRAP'; } function LU( RC, buttonArray) { if (h_ClientBrowser.SW (4)) { var V; if ( h_ClientBrowser.SY()) { MN(eval('document.' + RC),1,RC,eval(buttonArray + '[1]')); } else { V = buttonArray + '[1]'; eval ('document.' + RC + '.src=' + V + ';'); } } } function Qp( RC, buttonArray) { if (h_ClientBrowser.SW (4)) { var V; if ( h_ClientBrowser.SY()) { MN(eval('document.' + RC),1,RC,eval(buttonArray + '[0]')); } else { V = buttonArray + '[0]'; eval ('document.' + RC + '.src=' + V + ';'); } } } function XW() { } UM = new XW(); XW.prototype = new UN(); XW.prototype.init = XX; XW.prototype.initChild = XY; XW.prototype.getReadModeHTML = XZ; XW.prototype.getEditModeHTML = Xc; XW.prototype.Ud = Xe; function XX(kw,UQ,UR,KN,US, UT,UU,UV,kx) { this.initField(kw,UQ,UR,KN,US, UT,UU,UV,kx); this.initChild(); } function XY(){ } function XZ(pageFrame, fieldIndex) { } var h_DeleteButton; var Xb = false; function Xc(pageFrame, fieldIndex) { if (h_ClientBrowser.SX ()) { kz = true; var XQ; XQ = ''; XQ = XQ + ''; XQ = XQ + ''; XQ = XQ + ''; XQ = XQ + ''; XQ = XQ + ''; XQ = XQ + ''; var XSS_ImportHTML = ''; if ( XSS_ImportHTML == "false") XQ = XQ + ''; XQ = XQ + ''; XQ = XQ + ''; XQ = XQ + ''; XQ = XQ + ''; XQ = XQ + ''; XQ = XQ + ''; XQ = XQ + ''; XQ = XQ + ''; XQ = XQ + ''; XQ = XQ + ''; XQ = XQ + ''; XQ = XQ + ''; XQ = XQ + ''; XQ = XQ + ''; XQ = XQ + ''; if (typeof pageFrame.h_LastTimePutAway == "undefined") pageInput(pageFrame, "You can import a Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, HTML, JPEG or GIF file by clicking the folder icon below and selecting a file. You can also drag files from your desktop.", XQ, (fieldIndex+1)-staticTextCount + "."); else pageInput(pageFrame, "You can edit the document by double-clicking its icon, or you can replace the document with another from your computer by clicking Replace.", XQ, (fieldIndex+1)-staticTextCount + "."); } else { var X = new Hw(); DN( X, false, false); var Y = new Hw(); DN( Y, true, false); X.TextString = "Replace..."; Y.TextString = "Replace..."; h_DeleteButton = new Array(X.Hu(), Y.Hu()); if (h_HTMLImport != "") { document.write(''); var Xd = ""; if (h_ClientBrowser.SW (4)) Xd = ' onMouseOver=javascript:LU("h_DeleteButtonName","h_DeleteButton") onMouseOut=javascript:Qp("h_DeleteButtonName","h_DeleteButton")'; pageInput (self, 'The HTML file currently used by this page is:', '
' + MP(h_DeleteButton[0], 'h_DeleteButtonName', ' border="0" width="75" height="22"', "Replace File") + '' + h_HTMLImport + '
', (fieldIndex+1)-staticTextCount + "."); C (self, 'To download this file right click on the link and select "Save Link As," or to replace this file click on "Replace."'); } else { pageInput (self, 'Import the HTML file that you want to publish, by clicking the browse button below and selecting the desired file. ', '', (fieldIndex+1)-staticTextCount + "."); CV.encoding='multipart/form-data'; } document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); } } function Xe(pageFrame, submitAction) { if (h_ClientBrowser.SX ()) { CV.UploadControl.General_SubmitAction = submitAction; if (CV.UploadControl.General_CancelSubmit) { return false; } } if (submitAction == "h_Next" || submitAction == "h_Jump" || submitAction == "h_TempSave") { if (h_ClientBrowser.SX ()) { var EZ = CV.UploadControl.Import_HTMLFileName; if (EZ == "") { alert('Please specify one or more files to import.'); return false; } if ((submitAction == "h_Jump" || submitAction == "h_TempSave") && !Xm()) { if (!CV.UploadControl.Import_UploadImportedFiles("", h_Authors)) { return false; } CV.h_HTMLImport.value = EZ; } if (Xb) { if (!Xm()) { CV.h_Form.value = "025BBAB4299CCFDF0525670800167246"; } else { CV.h_Form.value = h_Form; } } CV.h_HTMLImportUnqNum.value = ""; if (CV.h_Name.value == "") { CV.h_Name.value = CV.UploadControl.Import_FileName; } CV.h_HTMLImportUnqNum.value = gv(); CV.h_HTMLImportFiles.value = CV.UploadControl.Import_Names; CV.h_AttachmentTimes.value = CV.UploadControl.Import_Times; CV.h_NewDoc.value = CV.UploadControl.Import_NewDoc; CV.h_HTMLImportOriginalFile.value = CV.UploadControl.Import_OriginalFile; CV.h_HTMLImportStyleSheet.value = CV.UploadControl.Import_StyleSheetFileName; CV.h_NSImport.value = CV.UploadControl.Import_NSImport; } else { if (typeof(CV.HaikuUploadAttachment) != "undefined") { var upload = CV.HaikuUploadAttachment; upload.focus(); upload.blur(); var Bg = upload.value; if (Bg == "") { alert('Please specify an HTML file.'); upload.focus(); return false; } var ext = Bg.substring(Bg.lastIndexOf(".")+1); ext = ext.toLowerCase(); if (ext != "htm" && ext != "html") { alert('You must specify a file with an .HTML or .HTM extension. Please try again.'); upload.focus(); return false; } Bg = Bg.substring(Bg.lastIndexOf("\\")+1); Bg = Bg.substring(Bg.lastIndexOf("/")+1); CV.h_HTMLImport.value = Bg; CV.h_HTMLImportUnqNum.value = gv(); CV.h_HTMLImportFiles.value = Bg; } else { CV.h_HTMLImport.value = h_HTMLImport; CV.h_HTMLImportUnqNum.value = h_HTMLImportUnqNum; CV.h_HTMLImportFiles.value = h_HTMLImportFiles; } CV.h_NSImport.value = "1"; } } else { CV.h_HTMLImport.value = ""; CV.h_HTMLImportUnqNum.value = ""; CV.h_HTMLImportFiles.value = ""; } return submitAction; } function Xf() { document.writeln(''); document.writeln(''); document.writeln(''); document.writeln(''); document.writeln(''); document.writeln(''); document.writeln(''); document.writeln(''); } function Xg() { if (!CV.UploadControl.Import_UploadImportedFiles(bG.Jy, h_Authors)) { return false; } CV.h_HTMLImportFiles.value = CV.UploadControl.Import_Names; CV.h_HTMLImport.value = CV.UploadControl.Import_HTMLFileName; if (Xm()) bG.Jx = "h_Publish"; return true; } function Xh() { } UM = new Xh(); Xh.prototype = new XW(); Xh.prototype.init = Xi; Xh.prototype.initChild = Xj; Xh.prototype.getReadModeHTML = XZ; Xh.prototype.getEditModeHTML = Xk; Xh.prototype.Ud = Xl; function Xi(kw,UQ,UR,KN,US, UT,UU,UV,kx) { this.initField(kw,UQ,UR,KN,US, UT,UU,UV,kx); this.initChild(); } function Xj(){ } function Xk(pageFrame, fieldIndex) { if (h_ClientBrowser.SX ()) { if (typeof pageFrame.h_LastTimePutAway == "undefined") { kz = true; XQ = ''; XQ = XQ + ''; XQ = XQ + ''; XQ = XQ + ''; XQ = XQ + ''; XQ = XQ + ''; XQ = XQ + ''; XQ = XQ + ''; XQ = XQ + ''; XQ = XQ + ''; XQ = XQ + ''; XQ = XQ + ''; XQ = XQ + ''; XQ = XQ + ''; XQ = XQ + ''; XQ = XQ + ''; XQ = XQ + ''; XQ = XQ + ''; XQ = XQ + ''; XQ = XQ + ''; XQ = XQ + ''; XQ = XQ + ''; XQ = XQ + ''; XQ = XQ + ''; pageInput(pageFrame, "You can import several Word, PowerPoint, Excel, HTML, JPEG or GIF files at once by clicking the folder icon below and selecting the desired files. Each file will be converted into a separate page in the place. You can also drag files from your desktop.", XQ, (fieldIndex+1)-staticTextCount + "."); } else { Xc(pageFrame, fieldIndex); } } } function Xl(pageFrame, submitAction) { Xb = true; if (submitAction == "h_Next" || submitAction == "h_Jump") { CV.h_MultipleImport.value = CV.UploadControl.General_FileCount; } submitAction = Xe(pageFrame, submitAction); return submitAction; } function Xm() { if (typeof(CV.h_MultipleImport) == "undefined" || CV.h_MultipleImport.value == "" || CV.h_MultipleImport.value == 0 || CV.h_MultipleImport.value == 1) return false; return true; } function YA() { } UM = new YA(); YA.prototype = new UN(); YA.prototype.init = YB; YA.prototype.initBase = YC; YA.prototype.getReadModeHTML = YW; YA.prototype.preProcessPageBody = RichTextControlField_preProcessPageBody; function YB(kw,UQ,UR,KN,US, UT,UU,UV,kx) { this.initBase(kw,UQ,UR,KN,US,UT,UU,UV,kx); } function YC(kw,UQ,UR,KN,US, UT,UU,UV,kx) { this.Fn = 0; this.Fo = 0; this.EJ = null; this.YD = "0"; this.YE = "4"; this.YF = ""; this.initField(kw,UQ,UR,KN,US,UT,UU,UV,kx); } function YW(pageFrame, fieldIndex) { if (typeof PageBody != "undefined") { if (fieldIndex > 0 && !(fieldIndex==1 && formObj.fieldDef[0].KN=="h_Subject")) { if ( this.UQ != "" && this.UQ != "Untitled") { C(pageFrame, this.UQ); } } document.write(this.preProcessPageBody(PageBody) + '
 '); } } function lG( theColorArray, theColor) { var hw = false; if ( theColor != '') { hw = lH( theColorArray, theColor); } return hw; } function lH( jF, theColor) { var hw = false; if ( typeof(jF) != "undefined") { for ( i = 0; i < jF.length; i++) { if ( jF[i] == theColor) { hw = true; break; } } } return hw; } function OV ( a_Field, a_colorArray, a_FunctionCallBack) { document.write(lI ( a_Field, a_colorArray, a_FunctionCallBack)); } function lI ( a_Field, a_colorArray, a_FunctionCallBack) { var lJ = ''; var DU = 19; var lK = a_colorArray.length/19; var i; var j; var k; for ( i = 0; i < lK; i++) { lJ += ''; for ( j = 0; j < 19; j++) { k = (i*19)+j; lJ += '"; PV = 0; while (PU < PT && PV < Dy) { if (imgNamesList[PU] == "") { PW = "../../../../../qphtml/attachments/transparent.gif"; PX = ""; } else { PW = "../../../../.." + "/qphtml/attachments/" + imgNamesList[PU]; PX = imgNamesList[PU]; } if ( h_ClientBrowser.SY() ) { gx += ""; PU ++; PV ++; } gx += ""; } gx += "
'; lJ += ''; var PT = imgNamesList.length; var Dy = 5; var PU = 0; var PV = 0; var PW; var PX; while (PU < PT) { gx += "
"; } else { gx += ""; } gx += ""; gx += "
"; return gx; } function lN( theTablePrefix, imgNamesList) { if ( h_ClientBrowser.SY() ) { var counter = 0; var PW; var lO; theTableObj = eval('document.all.' + theTablePrefix + 'Table;'); for ( i = 0; i < theTableObj.rows.length; i++) { for ( j = 0; j < theTableObj.rows[i].cells.length; j++) { if (imgNamesList[counter] == "") { PW = "../../../../../qphtml/attachments/transparent.gif"; lO = 'transparent'; } else { PW = "../../../../.." + "/qphtml/attachments/" + imgNamesList[counter]; lO = imgNamesList[counter]; } theTableObj.rows[i].cells[j].background = lP( theTableObj.rows[i].cells[j].background, PW, lO); counter++; } } } } function lP( MO, Hv, index) { checkImage = new Image(); checkImage.src = Hv; if ( typeof(cO[index]) == "undefined") { cO[index] = checkImage; } return cO[index].href; } function stripPound( colorString) { if ( colorString.charAt( 0) == '#') { return colorString.substring( 1); } return colorString; } function RichTextControlField_preProcessPageBody(thePageBody) { var indexWhere1 = 0; var indexWhere2 = 0; var indexWhere3 = 0; var mE = '&FontAntiAliasColor='; var bkColorString = '&BkColor='; var outTransColorString = '&OutTransColor='; var bgColorForLimerick = stripPound( G_qpCurrentBackgroudColor); while (( indexWhere1 != -1) && ( indexWhere2 != -1) && ( indexWhere3 != -1)) { indexWhere1 = thePageBody.indexOf(mE, indexWhere1); if ( indexWhere1 != -1) { indexWhere1 += mE.length; thePageBody = thePageBody.substring(0, indexWhere1) + bgColorForLimerick + thePageBody.substring(indexWhere1+bgColorForLimerick.length); } indexWhere2 = thePageBody.indexOf(bkColorString, indexWhere2); if ( indexWhere2 != -1) { indexWhere2 += bkColorString.length; thePageBody = thePageBody.substring(0, indexWhere2) + bgColorForLimerick + thePageBody.substring(indexWhere2+bgColorForLimerick.length); } indexWhere3 = thePageBody.indexOf(outTransColorString, indexWhere3); if ( indexWhere3 != -1) { indexWhere3 += outTransColorString.length; thePageBody = thePageBody.substring(0, indexWhere3) + bgColorForLimerick + thePageBody.substring(indexWhere3+bgColorForLimerick.length); } } return thePageBody; } function Yh() { } Yh.prototype = new YA(); Yh.prototype.init = Yi; Yh.prototype.initChild = Yj; function Yi(kw,UQ,UR,KN,US, UT,UU,UV,kx) { this.initBase(kw,UQ,UR,KN,US,UT,UU,UV,kx); this.initChild(); } function Yj() { this.EL = true; this.EM = false; this.Yk = false; this.EO = ""; this.EP = 1; this.aBlkFormatString = new Array(); } function _GeckoRichTextControlField() {} _GeckoRichTextControlField.prototype = new YA(); _GeckoRichTextControlField.prototype.init = GeckoRichTextControlField_init; _GeckoRichTextControlField.prototype.initChild = GeckoRichTextControlField_initChild; function GeckoRichTextControlField_init(kw,UQ,UR,KN,US, UT,UU,UV,kx) { this.initBase(kw,UQ,UR,KN,US,UT,UU,UV,kx); this.initChild(); } function GeckoRichTextControlField_initChild() { this.EL = false; this.Yk = false; this.EO = ''; this.EP = 1; this.sItemName = ( typeof( h_RichTextItem ) != "undefined" )? h_RichTextItem: ( typeof( Body ) != 'undefined' )? 'Body': 'PageBody'; this.sWidth = '630'; this.sHeight = '300'; this.bReturnHTML = false; this.aBlkFormatString = []; this.iFormat = 1; this.iSaveFormat = 1; this.sPlainTextItemName = this.sItemName + "PT"; } function ZY() { } ZY.prototype = new YA(); ZY.prototype.init = ZZ; ZY.prototype.initChild = Za; function ZZ(kw,UQ,UR,KN,US, UT,UU,UV,kx) { this.initBase(kw,UQ,UR,KN,US,UT,UU,UV,kx); this.initChild(); } function Za() { this.EL = false; this.EM = false; this.Yk = false; this.EO = ""; this.EP = 1; } function YX() { } YX.prototype = new YA(); YX.prototype.init = YY; YX.prototype.initChild = YZ; function YY(kw,UQ,UR,KN,US, UT,UU,UV,kx) { this.initBase(kw,UQ,UR,KN,US,UT,UU,UV,kx); this.initChild(); } function YZ() { this.EL = false; } function XG() { } UM = new XG(); XG.prototype = new UN(); XG.prototype.init = XH; XG.prototype.initChild = XI; XG.prototype.getReadModeHTML = XK; function XH(kw,UQ,UR,KN,US, UT,UU,UV,kx) { this.initField(kw,UQ,UR,KN,US, UT,UU,UV,kx); this.initChild(); } function XI(){ } function XK(pageFrame, fieldIndex) { var XN = eval('new Array(' + h_AttachmentNames + ')'); var numUploadControlAttachments = 0; for (var i=0; i'); document.writeln(''); document.writeln(''); document.writeln(''); document.writeln(''); document.writeln(''); document.writeln(''); document.writeln(''); document.writeln(''); var XL; if (typeof(pageFrame.h_AttachmentTimes) != "undefined") { XL = pageFrame.h_AttachmentTimes; } else { var XM = h_DocCreated; var index; for (index=0; index < h_NumAttachments; index++) { if (!index) { XL = XM; } else { XL += ","; XL += XM; } } } document.writeln(''); document.writeln(''); document.writeln(''); document.writeln(''); document.write('
 '); } else if ((!h_ClientBrowser.SX ()) && numUploadControlAttachments ) { if (this.UR != "" || (this.UQ != "" && this.UQ != "Untitled")) { C(pageFrame, "You can download or launch any of the files below by clicking on them:"); } var c = 0; var Ba; for (var i = 0; i' + XN[i] + ''); } } document.write('
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[' + rev + '
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Times shown are: ' + haiku.Tc + '', h); } function Up( Date, Time, Duration, cA, Repeats, cD, cC, Format, SendEvent ) { var Uq = Math.floor( Duration / 60); var Ur = Duration % 60; var Us = Date; var Ut = (( Duration > 0 && Format == "h_All" ) ? Uq + " " + ((Uq == 1) ? 'hour' : 'hours') + " " + Ur + " " + 'minutes' : ""); var Uu = ( cA != "1") ? av( Time) + " " + Ut : 'All-day event'; var Uv = ( Repeats == "1") ? Gb( HY( cC), cD) : ""; var displaySendEvent = ( SendEvent == "1") ? 'Send event to calendar subscribers' : ""; return( Us + " " + Uu + "
" + Uv ); } function We() { } UM = new We(); We.prototype = new UN(); We.prototype.init = Wf; We.prototype.initChild = Wg; We.prototype.getReadModeHTML = Wi; function Wf(kw,UQ,UR,KN,US, UT,UU,UV,kx) { this.initField(kw,UQ,UR,KN,US, UT,UU,UV,kx); this.initChild(); } function Wg(){ } function Wi(pageFrame, fieldIndex) { var UY = currentRoom.Zv[pageFrame.h_Form].fieldDef[fieldIndex]; if (typeof(pageFrame.h_TaskAssignedTo)=="undefined"){ var h = ""; } else { var h = ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''; if (UY.UV.indexOf("h_StartDate") > -1) { h += ''; if (UY.UV.indexOf("h_Category") == -1) { h += ''; } } if (UY.UV.indexOf("h_Category") > -1) { if (UY.UV.indexOf("h_StartDate") == -1) { h += ''; } h += ''; } h += '
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  ' + 'Start Date:' + ' ' + pageFrame.h_TaskStartDate + '
  ' + 'Priority:' + ' ' + pageFrame.h_TaskCategory + '
'; } C(pageFrame, UY.UQ); document.write(h); } function Ws() { } UM = new Ws(); Ws.prototype = new UN(); Ws.prototype.init = Wt; Ws.prototype.initChild = Wu; Ws.prototype.getReadModeHTML = textAreaField_getReadHTML; function Wt(kw,UQ,UR,KN,US, UT,UU,UV,kx) { this.initField(kw,UQ,UR,KN,US, UT,UU,UV,kx); this.initChild(); } function Wu(){ } function textAreaField_getReadHTML(pageFrame, fieldIndex){ var UZ = eval(this.KP); pageInput(pageFrame, this.UQ, (typeof(UZ)=="undefined"?"":UZ)); } function _MeetingOptionsField() { } UM = new _MeetingOptionsField(); _MeetingOptionsField.prototype = new UN(); _MeetingOptionsField.prototype.init = meetingOptionsField_init; _MeetingOptionsField.prototype.initChild = meetingOptionsField_initChild; _MeetingOptionsField.prototype.getReadModeHTML = getMeetingOptionsReadHTML; function meetingOptionsField_init(kw,UQ,UR,KN,US, UT,UU,UV,kx) { this.initField(kw,UQ,UR,KN,US, UT,UU,UV,kx); this.initChild(); } function meetingOptionsField_initChild(){ } var limrJoinMtgButton, limrJoinMtgButtonOver, AddButton; function getMeetingOptionsReadHTML(pageFrame, fieldIndex) { var UY = currentRoom.Zv[pageFrame.h_Form].fieldDef[fieldIndex]; var sA = ""; var meetingStatus = ((typeof (h_MeetingStatus) != "undefined") ? h_MeetingStatus : "2"); if (h_MeetingUrl != "") { sA += ""; } else { sA += ""; } sA += ""; sA += ""; sA += "
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'; } else if (meetingStatus == '0') { sA += "This Meeting has not started."; } else { sA += "This Meeting has finished."; } sA += "
" + "Error: The meeting was not created because the meeting server was unavailable. To try again, edit this page then click Publish." + "

" + ((h_MeetingPassword != "") ? "(This meeting is password protected.)" : "(This meeting is not password protected.)") + "

" + "This meeting is located at the following address (URL)." + "
" + h_MeetingUrl + "
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" + rows[i] + "" + ((i == 0) ? avTool : " ") + "
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' + 'Error' + '
' + 'To continue working in your place,
close this window and try again.' + '
'); } function getErrorHTML(errorTitle, errorGif, errorString, errorSolution, errorMargin) { var transparentGif = "../../../../../qphtml/attachments/transparent.gif"; var marginHeight = (typeof(errorMargin) == "undefined") ? 100 : errorMargin; var Tm= ''; Tm +=''; Tm += ''; Tm += ''; Tm += ''; Tm += ''; Tm += ''; Tm += ''; Tm += ''; Tm += ''; Tm += ''; Tm += ''; Tm += ''; Tm += ''; Tm += ''; Tm += ''; Tm += ''; Tm += ''; Tm += ''; Tm += ''; Tm +='
 '; Tm += ''; Tm += ''; Tm += ''; Tm += ''; Tm += ''; Tm += ''; Tm += ''; Tm += ''; Tm += ''; Tm += ''; Tm += ''; Tm += ''; Tm += ''; Tm += ''; Tm += ''; Tm += ''; Tm += ''; Tm += ''; Tm += ''; Tm += ''; Tm += ''; Tm += ''; Tm += ''; Tm += ''; Tm += ''; Tm += ''; Tm += ''; Tm += ''; Tm += ''; Tm += ''; Tm += ''; Tm += ''; Tm += '
 '; Tm += '' + errorTitle + ''; Tm += ' 
 '; Tm += errorString; Tm += '

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' + 'You can reorder an item in the list by clicking on the item and then clicking on the up/down arrow.' + '
'; if ( isNaN( listContext)) { pageInput(pageFrame, listContext, JV, sf); } else { if (listContext == 0) pageInput(pageFrame, 'Do you want to reorder the pages?', JV, sf); else if (listContext == 1) pageInput(pageFrame, 'Do you want to reorder the fields on this form? ' + '', JV, sf); else if (listContext == 2) pageInput(pageFrame, 'You can reorder the columns in the list below:', JV, sf); else if (listContext == 3) pageInput(pageFrame, 'Reorder. Do you want to change the order of the table of contents of this room?', JV, sf); else if (listContext == 4) pageInput(pageFrame, 'Reorder forms. Do you want to change the order in which the forms are presented to authors?', JV, sf); } } function Lq (reorderListArg, moveDirection, cI) { var Lr = reorderListArg.length; if (Lr == 1) return; var Ls = reorderListArg.selectedIndex; if (Ls == Lr - 1 && moveDirection == "1") return; if ((Ls < cI) || (Ls == cI && moveDirection == "-1")) { if (cI == 1 || Ls == 0) return; alert ('The Title, Author, and Modified columns, when visible, are always the first three columns in a folder. Please select any other column to reorder'); return; } var Lt = reorderListArg.options[Ls].text; var Lu = reorderListArg.options[Ls].value; reorderListArg.options[Ls].text = reorderListArg.options[Ls + moveDirection].text; reorderListArg.options[Ls].value = reorderListArg.options[Ls + moveDirection].value; reorderListArg.options[Ls + moveDirection].text = Lt; reorderListArg.options[Ls + moveDirection].value = Lu; reorderListArg.options[Ls + moveDirection].selected = true; } function F (name,value,expires,path,domain,secure) { document.cookie = escape(name) + "=" + escape (value) + ((expires) ? "; expires=" + expires.toGMTString() : "") + "; path=" + ((path) ? path : "/") + ((domain) ? "; domain=" + domain : "") + ((secure) ? "; secure" : ""); } function MB (radioControl, radioValue, radioFocus) { if (typeof(radioControl) != "undefined") { if (!isNaN (radioControl.length)) { var i; for (i = 0; i < radioControl.length; i++) { if (radioControl [i].value == radioValue) { radioControl [i].checked = true; if (typeof(radioFocus) != "undefined" && radioFocus== true) { radioControl[i].focus(); radioControl[i].select(); } break; } } } else { radioControl.checked = true; if (typeof(radioFocus) != "undefined" && radioFocus== true) { radioControl.focus();; } } } } function Bw( radioControl) { if (typeof(radioControl) != "undefined") { if (!isNaN (radioControl.length)) { var i; for (i = 0; i < radioControl.length; i++) { if (radioControl [i].checked == true) { return radioControl [i].value; } } } else { return radioControl.value; } } } function MC (radioControl) { if (typeof(radioControl) != "undefined") { if (!isNaN (radioControl.length)) { var i; for (i = 0; i < radioControl.length; i++) { radioControl [i].checked = false; } } else { radioControl.checked = false; } } } function cL( selectControl) { if (typeof(selectControl) != "undefined") { if (!isNaN (selectControl.length)) { var i; for (i = 0; i < selectControl.length; i++) { if (selectControl[i].selected == true) { return selectControl[i].value; } } } else { return selectControl.value; } } } function MD (selectControl, selectValue) { if (typeof(selectControl) != "undefined") { if (!isNaN (selectControl.length)) { var i; for (i = 0; i < selectControl.length; i++) { if (selectControl.options [i].value == selectValue) { selectControl.options [i].selected = true; selectControl.selectedIndex = i; break; } } } else { selectControl.selectedIndex = 0; } } } function ME (selectControl, selectValue) { if (typeof(selectControl) != "undefined") { if (!isNaN (selectControl.length)) { var i; for (i = 0; i < selectControl.length; i++) { if (selectControl.options [i].text == selectValue) { selectControl.options [i].selected = true; selectControl.selectedIndex = i; break; } } } else { selectControl.selectedIndex = 0; } } } var MM = new Array(); var cO = new Array(); function MN( winObj, nDirect, Cb, Hv) { checkImage = new Image(); checkImage.src = Hv; var i; var MO; if ( typeof(winObj) == "undefined") { return; } if ( nDirect == 1) { MO = winObj; } else { MO = eval( "winObj.document." + Cb); } if (( typeof( MO) == "undefined") || ( typeof( MO.src) == "undefined")) { return; } for ( i = 0; i < MM.length; i++) { if ( MM[i].src == checkImage.src) { MO.src = MM[i].src; return; } } i = MM.length; MM[i] = checkImage; MO.src = MM[i].src; return; } function MP( URLString, ImgName, ImgExtra, ImgAlttext) { var MQ; var altString=''; if (ImgAlttext != 'undefined') altString = ' alt="' + ImgAlttext + (h_ClientBrowser.isGecko() ? '" title="'+ ImgAlttext + '"' : '"'); else altString = ' alt=""'; MQ = ''; return MQ; } function MS( strToFix, VU, Wa) { var i; for ( i = 0; i < VU.length; i++) { strToFix = LL( strToFix, VU[i], Wa[i]); } return strToFix; } function LL( strToFix, VU, Wa) { var index; var Fb = false; var IH = strToFix; strToFix = ""; while ( !Fb) { index = IH.indexOf(VU); if ( index != -1) { strToFix += IH.substring( 0, index) + Wa; if ( index < (IH.length - VU.length)) { IH = IH.substring(index+VU.length); } else { Fb = true; } } else { strToFix += IH; Fb = true; } } return strToFix; } function convertToHTML(strToFix) { var strBrackets = new Array("<",">"); var strSafeBrackets = new Array("<",">"); strToFix = (typeof(strToFix) != "undefined") ? MS(strToFix, strBrackets, strSafeBrackets) : strToFix; return strToFix; } function stripLeadingAndTrailingSpaces(theString) { if (theString.length != 0) { while (theString.charAt(0) == " ") theString = theString.substring (1); } if (theString.length != 0) { while (theString.charAt(theString.length - 1) == " ") theString = theString.substring (0, theString.length - 1); } return (theString); } function H(){ var K = location.href.lastIndexOf("&Login"); if (K > 0) { return location.href.substring(0, K); } else { return location.href; } } function L(newLoc) { location.href = newLoc; } function MV( decNum) { hexVals = "0123456789ABCDEF"; if ( decNum > 255) { decNum = 255; } var i = decNum % 16; var j = ( decNum - 1) / 16; var result = hexVals.charAt(j); result += hexVals.charAt(i); return result; } var Sn = new Array(); var So = new Array(); var Sp = new Array(); var Sq = new Array(); function setAnimation(sceneName) { replaceFormInAction ('h_PageContentUI'); CV.h_SetEditNextScene.value = sceneName; } function cP(tmpName){ if (typeof tmpName != "undefined") { var Bl = new Array("<", ">"); var Bm = new Array("<", ">"); C(self, MS(tmpName, Bl, Bm) + " " + v); } } function cQ( theObj, FP, bCenter) { var cR = ""; var cS = ""; if ( bCenter) { cR = '
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} else { return (false); } } function hv(fromWhere) { var hw; var hx = hy( fromWhere); if ( (typeof(hx) == "undefined") || (hx == "") || ((hx != "h_UserDirTypeNT") && (hx != "h_UserDirTypeLDAP") && (hx != "h_UserDirTypeNAB")) ) { hw = true; } else { hw = false; } return hw } function hy(directoryString) { var hz = ''; var index = directoryString.indexOf(':'); var iA; if ( index != -1) { iA = directoryString.indexOf(':', index+1); if ( iA != -1) { hz = directoryString.substring(index+1, iA); } } return hz; } function isPageAuthor( stringList, arrayGroups) { var bIsAuthor = false; var authorsList = h_Authors.toUpperCase(); if ((authorsList.indexOf(haiku.TT.toUpperCase()) > -1) || (haiku.userName != "Anonymous" && (authorsList.indexOf("H_MEMBERS") > -1 || authorsList.indexOf("*") > -1)) || (Iu == 6 && typeof(h_AllowEdit) != "undefined" && h_AllowEdit == "1") || (Iu == 6 && authorsList.indexOf('[H_MANAGERS]') > -1 )){ bIsAuthor = true; } else if (stringList != "") { var szNameListUppercase = stringList.toUpperCase( ); for ( var i = 0; i < arrayGroups.length; i++) { if ( arrayGroups[i].toUpperCase( ) != "" && szNameListUppercase.indexOf( arrayGroups[i].toUpperCase( )) > -1) { bIsAuthor = true; break; } } } return bIsAuthor; } function isPageEditor( stringList, arrayGroups) { var bIsEditor = false; if( haiku.userName != "Anonymous"){ if( typeof(stringList) != "undefined" && stringList != ""){ if( isInStringCaseIndependent( stringList, haiku.TT, false) || isInStringCaseIndependent( stringList, "h_Members",false) || ( Iu == 6 && isInStringCaseIndependent( stringList, "h_Managers",false)) ){ bIsEditor = true; } else { var szNameListUppercase = stringList.toUpperCase( ); for ( var i = 0; i < arrayGroups.length; i++) { if ( arrayGroups[i].toUpperCase( ) != "" && szNameListUppercase.indexOf( arrayGroups[i].toUpperCase( )) > -1) { bIsEditor = true; break; } } } }else if( formObj.Jk == 'h_MultipleEditors' || (Iu == 6 && typeof(h_AllowEdit) != "undefined" && h_AllowEdit == "1") ) { bIsEditor = true; } } return bIsEditor; 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++i; if (sFmtString.charAt(i) == '%') { sResult += sFmtString.charAt(i); continue; } var num = parseInt(sFmtString.substr(i)); if (num > args.length) continue; sResult += args[num]; i += ("" + num).length - 1; } sResult += sFmtString.substr(iPre); return sResult; } function getMemberInfoLink (memberDNName) { var s = ((window.h_printMode && window.h_printMode == '1') ? "&Form=h_PrintUI" : ""); return ( La (self) + "Main.nsf" + '/' + "$defaultview" + '/' + "7CB1ED9DCD9FCEAB852567C3006E2DBE" + "/?OpenDocument&PreSetFields=h_SetReadScene;h_SecurityMemberInfo,h_MemberName;" + encodeForUrl( escape( memberDNName)) + s ); } var g_dominoEncodeChars = new Array(); g_dominoEncodeChars[g_dominoEncodeChars.length] = new Object(); g_dominoEncodeChars[g_dominoEncodeChars.length-1].character = "+"; g_dominoEncodeChars[g_dominoEncodeChars.length-1].encoded = '_95c_'; g_dominoEncodeChars[g_dominoEncodeChars.length] = new Object(); g_dominoEncodeChars[g_dominoEncodeChars.length-1].character = "&"; g_dominoEncodeChars[g_dominoEncodeChars.length-1].encoded = '_s4o_'; function encodeForUrl( stringToEncode) { return ( encodeForUrlCustom( stringToEncode, g_dominoEncodeChars)); } function encodeForUrlCustom( stringToEncode, codeCharArray) { var Br = stringToEncode; for ( var index = 0; index < codeCharArray.length; index++) { Br = LL( Br, codeCharArray[index].character, codeCharArray[index].encoded); } return Br; } function isInStringCaseIndependent( string1, string2, bExactMatch) { var bIsInString = false; if (( typeof( string1) != "undefined") && ( typeof( string2) != "undefined")) { var string1Lower = string1.toLowerCase(); var string2Lower = string2.toLowerCase(); if ( bExactMatch) { if ( string1Lower == string2Lower) { bIsInString = true; } } else { if ( string1Lower.indexOf( string2Lower) > -1) { bIsInString = true; } } } return bIsInString; } function pageGetElementById(sID, doc) { if(!doc) doc = document; if(doc.getElementById(sID)) return doc.getElementById(sID); var aObjs = pageGetElementsByName(sID, doc); if(aObjs && aObjs.length) return aObjs[0]; return null; } function pageGetElementsByName(sID, doc) { if(!doc) doc = document; return doc.getElementsByName(sID); } function eventGetTarget(ev) { if(!ev) ev = window.event; if(!ev) return null; if(ev.srcElement) return ev.srcElement; else if( { var target =; while(target && target.nodeName == '#text') target = target.parentNode; return target; } } Number.prototype.fill = function Number_fill( nPoint, nRadix ){ var sResult = ''; var sNum = ( typeof( nRadix ) == 'number' )? this.toString( nRadix ): this.toString(); for( var i = 0; i < nPoint - sNum.length; i++ ) sResult += '0'; return sResult + sNum; }; function fillZero( nToFill, nPoint ){ return nToFill.fill( nPoint ); } Array.prototype.indexOf = function Array_indexOf( vSearch, fnCompare ){ fnCompare = ( fnCompare )? fnCompare: Array_compare; for( var i = 0; i < this.length; i++ ) if( fnCompare( this[ i ], vSearch ) ) return i; return -1; }; function Array_compare( vElem1, vElem2 ){ return ( vElem1 && typeof( vElem1.isEqual ) == 'function' )? vElem1.isEqual( vElem2 ): vElem1 == vElem2; } Array.prototype.fill = function Array_fill( nTo, vValue ){ for( var i = 0; i <= nTo; i++ ){ if( typeof( this[ i ] ) == 'undefined' ) this[ i ] = vValue; } return this; }; function MakeArrayFromString( CY, delimiter, bTrimBlanks) { var jF = new Array(); var index = 0; var jG = 0; if ( typeof( bTrimBlanks) == "undefined" || bTrimBlanks == "") bTrimBlanks = true; while ( index != -1) { index = CY.indexOf( delimiter, jG); if ( index != -1) { jF[jF.length] = CY.substring( jG, index); jG = index + 1; } else if ( jG <= CY.length) { jF[jF.length] = CY.substring( jG); } } if ( bTrimBlanks) for ( var i=0; i= 0xDC00 && codePoint <= 0xDFFF) { vals[0] = ((((codePointSave & 0x03C0) >> 6) + 1) >> 2 ) | 0xF0; vals[1] = (((((codePointSave & 0x03C0) >> 6) + 1) & 0x03) << 4) | ((codePointSave & 0x003C) >> 2) | 0x80; vals[2] = ((codePointSave & 0x0003) << 4) | ((codePoint & 0x03C0) >> 6) | 0x80; vals[3] = (codePoint & 0x003F) | 0x80; nVals = 4; surrogate = false; } else if (codePoint >= 0xD800 && codePoint <= 0xDBFF) { surrogate = true; codePointSave = codePoint; continue; } else { surrogate = false; if (codePoint > 0x07FF) { vals[0] = ((codePoint & 0xF000) >> 12) | 0xE0; vals[1] = (codePoint & 0xFC0) >> 6 | 0x80; vals[2] = (codePoint & 0x3F) | 0x80; nVals = 3; } else if (codePoint > 0x007F) { vals[0] = ((codePoint & 0x7C0) >> 6) | 0xC0; vals[1] = (codePoint & 0x3F) | 0x80; nVals = 2; } else if (asciiUnEnc.indexOf(CY.charAt(i)) < 0) { vals[0] = codePoint; nVals = 1; } } if (nVals > 0) { var j; for (j = 0; j < nVals; j++) { var hexStr = vals[j].toString(16).toUpperCase(); if (hexStr.length == 1) { hexStr = "0" + hexStr; } resultStr += "%" + hexStr; } } else { resultStr += CY.charAt(i); } } return resultStr; }; window.encodeURIComponent = function (CY){ var asciiUnEnc = "1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-_.!~*'()"; return encodeURIBody(CY, asciiUnEnc); }; } function toValidURIString(s) { return encodeURIComponent(s).replace(/%2c/gi, "%252c"); } function MakeArrayFromString( CY, delimiter, bTrimBlanks) { var jF = new Array(); var index = 0; var jG = 0; if ( typeof( bTrimBlanks) == "undefined" || bTrimBlanks == "") bTrimBlanks = true; while ( index != -1) { index = CY.indexOf( delimiter, jG); if ( index != -1) { jF[jF.length] = CY.substring( jG, index); jG = index + 1; } else if ( jG <= CY.length) { jF[jF.length] = CY.substring( jG); } } if ( bTrimBlanks) for ( var i=0; i9999) ? -1 :(( year<50) ? year+2000 :(( year<100) ?( year+1900) : year))) + '-' + (( month<10)?'0':'') + month + '-' + (( day<10)?'0':'') + day); } function aX( as) { var aV = new Array( 0, 0, 0); if ( !aa( as, aV)) return( false); var day = aV[0]; var month = aV[1]; var year = aV[2]; if( !haiku.h_Intl_Date4DigitYear && year >= 100 && year <= 999) return( false); year = (( year<0 || year>9999) ? -1 :(( year<50) ? year+2000 :(( year<100) ?( year+1900) : year))); var aY = new Date( year, month-1, day); if( aY.getMonth( ) == month-1 && aY.getDate( ) == day && aY.getFullYear( ) == year ) { return( true); } else { return( false); } } function aa( as, aV) { var ab = parseInt( as.indexOf( haiku.h_Intl_DateString), 10); if( ab == -1) return( false); var ac = as.substring( 0, ab); if( !ag( ac)) return( false); var ad = parseInt( as.lastIndexOf( haiku.h_Intl_DateString),10); if( ad == -1) return( false); var ae = as.substring( ab + 1, ad); if( !ag( ae)) return( false); var af = as.substring( ad + 1); if( !ag( af)) return( false); if( haiku.h_Intl_DateFormat == haiku.TX) { aV[0] = parseInt( ac,10); aV[1] = parseInt( ae,10); aV[2] = parseInt( af,10); } else if( haiku.h_Intl_DateFormat == haiku.TZ) { aV[2] = parseInt( ac,10); aV[1] = parseInt( ae,10); aV[0] = parseInt( af,10); } else { aV[1] = parseInt( ac,10); aV[0] = parseInt( ae,10); aV[2] = parseInt( af,10); } return( true); } function ar( day, month, year) { var as; var sl=haiku.h_Intl_DateString; var yr=( year >= 1950 && year < 2000) ? year-1900 : year; if( haiku.h_Intl_Date4DigitYear && yr < 100) yr +=( yr < 50) ? 2000 : 1900; if( haiku.h_Intl_DateFormat == haiku.TX) { as =(( day<10) ? "0"+day : day).toString( ) + sl + (( month<10) ? "0"+month : month).toString( ) + sl + yr; } else if( haiku.h_Intl_DateFormat == haiku.TZ) { as = yr + sl + (( month<10) ? "0"+month : month).toString( ) + sl + (( day<10) ? "0"+day : day).toString( ); } else { as =(( month<10) ? "0"+month : month).toString( ) + sl + (( day<10) ? "0"+day : day).toString( ) + sl + yr; } return( as) } function Gb( frequency, times) { return( formatMessage( 'Repeats %1 for a total of %2 events.', frequency , times) ); } function HY( frequencyIdx) { if ( frequencyIdx == 1) return( 'daily'); else if ( frequencyIdx == 2) return( 'weekly'); else return ( ""); }